Top 10 rules to make a killer LinkedIn profile in 2020

LinkedIn is one of the top social media platforms where the organic reach is maximum. Unlike other platforms, LinkedIn is a place for professionals. If you are looking for a job or looking forward to hiring people to your business – LinkedIn is the right place. 

Reasons to make a killer profile on LinkedIn

  • Find jobs easily: Even recruiters are using LinkedIn to find suitable people for their company. A highly optimized profile is more likely to be displayed on the top, which means the chances of getting hired is more.
  • Hire people easily: When people are looking for jobs to apply and if your company profile shows up on top – you are more likely to get more applicants.
  • Sell products or services: People trust companies which are on LinkedIn. The better your profile, the better is your visibility. And trust me, LinkedIn has the best organic reach.

Here are the top 10 rules to make a killer LinkedIn profile

  1. Url: Always keep your URL keyword optimized. For example, if you are a food blogger, your URL would look something like this
  2. Profile picture: Click a professional photo of yours and upload. The professional image doesn’t mean you wear branded clothes, suit or a blazer, it means your entire face is properly visible. Avoid wearing shades and scarfs.   
  3. Bio: Other than your profile picture, it is the bio which is visible to other users. Your bio should contain keywords and make sure you use all of the given space to explain about yourself.
  4. Banner image: DO NOT LEAVE YOUR BANNER IMAGE EMPTY, because this is what differentiates you from most of the other people. Add a banner that describes your niche or the service you offer.
  5. About section: This is a place where you can describe a lot more about yourself. Take time and fill this section. Do not copy and paste from other profiles. But you can always take suggestions and tips from other profiles and build your own. 
  6. Certifications, licenses, publications, course, patent, award, test scores: Make sure to add all the required certifications to on your profile. Make sure that you do not add silly certificates like you got a gold medal in your school for a running race. NOBODY CARES. If it is a state-level race or something more you can always display it.
  7. Skill section: Add all of your major skills in this section. Possibly ask your clients, colleges and friends to endorse you for your skills. It is perfectly fine if you fake it initially.
  8. Education section: Add all of your schools and college names where you have studied. Some people search based on where you have studied also.
  9. Languages: Add all the languages you know in this section. While filtering people in the search result, the users might filter based on languages. There are high chances for you to stand out from the crowd if you know many languages.
  10. Connections: From the day you build your profile or optimize all of the above things make sure you send 50 connection requests to other LinkedIn users of your niche. Once you reach 500 connections you will automatically start getting connection requests. Example of a bad profile and an optimized profile is shown below.

If you follow these 10 basic steps your profile is more likely to be visible on LinkedIn.

Do you follow any other steps to optimize your profile? If yes, comment them below.

In the next blog, I will explain what exactly you should do after optimizing your profile.  

Examples of a bad profile

Example of a highly optimized profile

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