How to Leverage Instagram for Your Business in 2020?

Instagram is a popular marketplace for Businesses having 1 Billion active users a month. How can you get so much audience at a place? Be it an Influencer or a brand, Instagram helps you in growing your business.

After reading the full blog, you will get a complete guide on how to use Instagram for Business Effectively.

6 Ways to Use Instagram For Business  

Use these six strategies to grow your Business on Instagram. So, let us dive into the topic: –  

Create your Instagram Business Account  If you are new to Instagram then follow these steps: –  

  • Download the app on your mobile. 
  • Click on sign up.
  • Enter your Email address and click Next  
  • Enter your username and password.
  • Now click on Save and your account has been created. 
  • Go the settings and change from Personal Account to Business Account.  
  • Add all the details like contact number, location, and email address to contact you. 
  • Now click on Save, and your IG business account is ready.
  1. Create High-Quality Content. 

Creating High-Quality Content means creating content that adds value to someone else’s life. It can be pictures, graphic posts, or videos. 

Most Important things while creating content: – 

  • Add Professional Photos: – Click professional photos of your products, edit, and then post it. Basic images won’t work if you’re going to create your brand. Use Canva for creating graphic posts or making logos.
  • Maintain a theme: – Post using a single template as background these helps in building trust and loyalty with your audience.
  • Use Right Hashtags: – Use the right hashtags to help you get more reach, find your target audience, and get more engagement.
  • Consistency: – Maintain consistency of posting daily, helps in growing followers quickly. So, consistency is a must. Timing for posting content depends on the niche.

For example: – An educational content gets maximum reach if he posts after 4:00 pm where else for Fashion Influencers timing would be 12:00 to 1:00 pm. Minimum 2 posts a day and 4 to 5 stories a day is highly recommended initially.

  1. Optimize Your Bio. 

 Your Instagram Bio should convey your first-time visitors who you are, what your brand is, and what type of content they will expect.  

Display pointwise the things you are expert in, and add a hashtag, chances are people likely to click on the hashtag. Add an emoji as a symbol to convey the information more effectively.

  • Profile pic: – Make your logo shifted towards the centre or if you are an Influencer, add your picture towards the centre. The size of the profile picture should be 320 pixels.
  • Username: – Try to have the same username on all social media platforms, it makes it easier for followers to find you. Have a website name the same as your username are chances of people visiting your website. 

          4. Engage with your audience. 

Like: – People who like your post; it means they have interacted with your content.

Comments: – People commenting on your posts shows, they are interested in your content.  

Tagging: – Ask questions to your followers and mention them in your stories by answering them.

Collaboration: – Collaborate with influencers, small creators, or YouTubers.

Live chat: – Live chat is the best feature, do QnA with your followers answer them.

        5. Influencer Marketing.  

Influencer Marketing helps small brands. Provide them with your product for FREE for trial or else give a small amount of money for promoting products/services. 82% of users follow a brand recommended by their favourite Influencers.

As influencer marketing is growing, these will help you in growing your business. 

        6. Run Ads Campaign.  

11% of people shop on Instagram in the U.S (stats:2019). Instagram allows you to run different types of ad campaigns. Try to run different ad campaigns and see what gives you the best conversion rate.

Use Facebook ads managers by creating a Facebook business page and link it with your Instagram account.

Types of ads you can run on Instagram: –  

  • Carousel ads.  
  • Photo ads.  
  • Ads in Stories.  
  • Collection ads.  
  • Video Ads.  

Pros and Cons of Instagram.  

Before diving into Instagram have a look at its pros and cons which might be helpful for you.  


  • Give analytics about how your content performs.  
  • Using hashtags gives you maximum reach.
  • Run different types of Ad Campaigns. 


  • For Running ads, you need Facebook Ads Manager.  
  • Can’t add links in your captions except for the website link.  
  • As a business, you cannot add someone else content.  


 Every business uses Instagram for Business nowadays, follow these ways to make your Instagram Brand and increase your followers and make sure your brand goes viral.

If you want us to manage your Social Media accounts, get in touch with us: or can us on +919591624625

1 Response
  1. Nick Stamoulis

    Instagram can be used for just about any business because it allows you to tap into different audience segments. These tips can help just about any business succeed on the platform!

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